You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a single drop.


You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.


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God is at home. It is we who have gone out for a walk.

Meister Ekhart

Welcome. And Why?

In early 2006 a lifetime of suffering finally came to a head. I, Doug, began unraveling at the seams. Nothing extraordinary about that, lots of folks do, life being suffering and all.

Once it was clear I’d survive, I started a blog, gave it a highfalutin name to go with its highfalutin purpose. Part-confessional, mostly ego, that blog was focused on overcoming suffering.

Things have changed. The suffering is pretty much behind me, the focus entirely different. The problem – all problems – are linked to Doug itself.

Hence the whole ‘beware of the doug’ thing. Applies to us all – beware [fill in your name] – because it’s going to get itself into a lot of trouble.

This site is once again part-confessional, but hopefully not nearly as much ago. Here’s to those of us who find ourselves on the so-called spiritual path, whether we chose it or not (we didn’t).

Welcome and Why?

In early 2006 a lifetime of suffering finally came to a head. I, Doug, began unraveling at the seams. Nothing extraordinary about that, lots of folks do, life being suffering and all.

Once it was clear I’d survive, I started a blog, gave it a highfalutin name to go with its highfalutin purpose. Part-confessional, mostly ego, that blog was focused on overcoming suffering.

Things have changed. The suffering is pretty much behind me, the focus entirely different. The problem – all problems – are linked to Doug itself.

Hence the whole ‘beware of the doug’ thing. Applies to us all – beware [fill in your name] – because it’s going to get itself into a lot of trouble.

This site is once again part-confessional, but hopefully not nearly as much ago. Here’s to those of us who find ourselves on the so-called spiritual path, whether we chose it or not (we didn’t).

The Blog

A Few Recent Posts

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To the mind that is still the whole universe surrenders.

Lao Tzu